

1. 台灣銀行貸款審核非非常的嚴格,銀行願意放款代表5年寬限期結束後買屋者依然付得起,要樂意看見朋友在人生達到另一個階段,記得給對方成家立業的祝福~

2. 就算沒新青安,房市也會熱絡,不要輕易被媒體煽動製造對立,全職投資客(資產好幾億的那種),並沒有一般人想像的這麼多,大部分的人都是努力工作而來,幸運的話再加上父母後援贊助

3. 長輩會希望小孩填出路好的科系、找大公司上班,並不是沒有道理,長大懂事後,記得要體諒父母;如果雙親願意支持你去追求興趣夢想,更是要感恩。

4. 民主國家的經濟體制是希望人民皆富,而不是皆貧,台灣政府希望的是打炒房,而不是打房

5. 不在科技業工作,可以轉調去產業周邊賺錢,工程師家庭相對其他族群消費能力很高的

6. 認清自己能力範圍、自身跟別人能力的差距一樣重要

7. 專注在自己的賽道,跟不同目標的人比較沒有意義。把結婚、生小孩當做人生必經之路的人,本身就會對房子特別關注;而重視自我實現的單身族,要租房買房其實都沒差~

8. 如果還是覺得很不是滋味,建議關掉社群網路,好好跟真實世界的人相處,這方面女生做的遠遠比男生好





  • 增加收入來源 


  • 透過記帳設法減少固定支出 
  • 趕走變成窮鬼的心態: 
  1. 虛榮心:無法抗拒想買好東西慾望,感覺使用後會變得完全不同,即使旁人覺得完全是異常的購買行為 
  2. 在意別人目光: 例如大家都買了,只有我沒有買會不會很奇怪,在業務員強力推薦,不想被當成拒絕往來戶 
  3. 只享受當下:不考慮經濟能力喜歡就買,而忽略行動後可能衍生出的成本 





  • 讀好學校、近好公司的成功模式雖隨著時代變動重要性越來越低,有錢人由於金錢有餘裕還是會不惜在小孩子教育上做投資 
  • 學生時代道路或許是由父母親幫忙鋪路,這些人長大後相當擅長解讀時代脈絡,解讀變化趁早採取行動 
  • 讓別人幫你工作 
  • 高收入但過著樸實生活 


Book review of The Essential Retirement Guide

This is a financial planning book focused on middle-income or upper-income workers. Low-income people, defined here as at the bottom of 30 percent or so of the workforce, definitely need retirement target income exceeding 70 percent of their final pay. They’ve already been well taken care of with pensions from government programs. 

The keynote of The Essential Retirement Guide:

  1. Financial plans must be taken before we are getting older.

When coming to the financial abilities, people in their 80s were generally more confident than those in their 60s, even though the older ones scored barely half compared to the highest. While older test subjects scored quite poorly by any absolute or relative measure, their confidence in their financial abilities was actually higher than that of their younger counterparts. Preemptive measures need to be taken. We should handle this while we are still young enough to use whatever insights we have at our disposal.

2. Your financial strategy should be simple. 

Keeping your financial strategy simple may not be an optimal choice, but it is better than varying the mix for the wrong reasons. There is no correlation between high fees and high returns.

3.Exposing yourself unduly to downside risks is irrational if the only upside is to produce a windfall gain that you do not really need.

4.Long-term care insurance is not an effective choice

Insurance is most effective when 

  • The potential losses from which you are seeking protection are easily understood and quantifiable. 
  • The cost of the insurance seems reasonable relative to the coverage.
  • Any losses over a given threshold would be fully reimbursed by the insurance

However, Long-term care insurance  doesn’t meet the criteria. 

5. Don’t overspend

In a consumerist society, our reach tends to beyond our grasp. If you make $80,000 a year, pretend as if it were just $70,000 and save the rest. 

In summary, the author, Frederick Vettese, specializes in actuary and has spent his whole career in retirement consulting and workplace pension plans. He provides a lot of insights about retirement planning using his actuarial expertise. In addition, he uses a lot of contextual scenarios in explaining concepts such as wealth target and workplace pension plans. It’s a highly recommended book.