


本書的日文書名叫做「シンプルで合理的な人生設計」,使用Google翻譯成中文為「簡單理性的人生規劃」, 無論是用Google翻譯還是用出版社訂的書名 「最高CP值的人生設計課」 ,意思沒有偏離太多,就是希望訂出計劃讓人生旅程中能夠用最少的心思體力得到最多回報,作者橘玲在日本是位暢銷作家,主要暢談政經社會議題為主,她在台灣的翻譯書我讀過2本分別是「上級國民/下級國民」、「殘酷世界的生存法則」,議題主要在探討單獨個體如何在全球化的競爭世界下生存,3本書的觀點不盡相同,本書(最高CP值的人生設計課)給讀者的建議最為多元全面



3 tips your business could implement to become more competitive

We could review our organization’s performance by using analytical data. If we see the performance report, but don’t take any further action. Nothing will change.

Competing on Analytics: Updated, with a New Introduction: The New Science of Winning

The book author of “Competing On Analytics”, Tom Davenport, suggests readers apply data carefully and gain an advantage through it.

  1. Outperform your competitors:Even in industries where analytical data is prevalent, some cooperations are better at using data and making a smarter decision than others.
  2. Be special: Adjust your marketing position and business models that are hard to be replaced by your competitors. For example, Apple inc., the maker of iPhone, changed its target metrics from the unit sales to installed base of devices. Apple is redefining their marketing position from a hardware company to a service company.
  3. Renewable: In a fast-paced world, no cooperation could remain top. Nokia, once the mobile phone giant, lost its appeal while it overlooked Google and Apple. So every decision-maker in an organization should keep reinventing and renew their business goal for their company.