

今年2024年春訓時,台鋼雄鷹團隊導入了運動科學,與統一獅和樂天桃猿 一樣,選擇同一家外部棒球學校進行專案合作。根據網路上查到的資訊,春訓期間,他們為球員進行了數據收集檢測和球路設計訓練。

從YouTube 影片中可以看到,張奕、賴鴻誠 、王柏融 分別在做投球和揮棒,旁邊的儀器進行資料收集。應用這些數據,可以讓選手了解自己的問題,接下來將為每位選手制定個人化訓練課表。

據棒球學校的投手訓練教練曾浩哲的說法,通過球路設計訓練,原本投手 #許育銘 的球種(滑球、曲球、直球和變速球)變化量不大,經過調整後,直球和變速球的變化量增加,而滑球和曲球變得更穩定。



3 tips your business could implement to become more competitive

We could review our organization’s performance by using analytical data. If we see the performance report, but don’t take any further action. Nothing will change.

Competing on Analytics: Updated, with a New Introduction: The New Science of Winning

The book author of “Competing On Analytics”, Tom Davenport, suggests readers apply data carefully and gain an advantage through it.

  1. Outperform your competitors:Even in industries where analytical data is prevalent, some cooperations are better at using data and making a smarter decision than others.
  2. Be special: Adjust your marketing position and business models that are hard to be replaced by your competitors. For example, Apple inc., the maker of iPhone, changed its target metrics from the unit sales to installed base of devices. Apple is redefining their marketing position from a hardware company to a service company.
  3. Renewable: In a fast-paced world, no cooperation could remain top. Nokia, once the mobile phone giant, lost its appeal while it overlooked Google and Apple. So every decision-maker in an organization should keep reinventing and renew their business goal for their company.

How to make a better decision(book review of “The Signal and the Noise”)

Which animal would you think defines a good forecaster, fox or hedgehog?

The hedgehog knows one big thing, but the fox knows many little things.

If an original method is not surely working, the hedgehog is reluctant to change, but the fox is tolerant of complexity and is adaptable to find a new approach. That is why the author suggests being foxy is a right attitude toward a good forecaster.

We live in a world in which information is pervasive so that the gap between what we know and what we think we know is widening.  As the study has shown, even the experts usually make incorrect predictions. For example, the probability of the skyscraper being crashed into by the terrorists is 0.05%. The possibility would rise to 38% given that the first building is under attack.

Today’s Forecast is the First Forecast of the Rest of Your Life

If we could use one of the principles, “Today’s Forecast is the First Forecast of the Rest of Your Life” in this book, we could make a better forecast possible today—regardless what we said yesterday, last month, or last year–   and prevent the formidable catastrophe from happening.

Other suggestions the writer proposes are below:

  • Think probabilistically: Acknowledging the real-world uncertainty in our forecast.
  • Look for consensus: It’s not easy to be objective. Other options could help us see the world in different viewpoints to reduce biases.
  • Weighing qualitative information– accounting for the qualitative information along with quantitative factor

This book is a little long but readable, not a formula-heavy, general science book. It consists of four sections.

The first section considers the failures of predictions in finance, baseball, and politics. Then, the author gives the readers some advice about how we can apply our judgment to the data without succumbing to the biases. The second section focuses on dynamical systems (weather, economy, earthquake, and economy) that make forecasting more difficult. Following the third section, it turns toward a solution by an introduction of Bayer’s theorem. Finally, the discussion of applying Bayer’s theorem to more existential types of problems.

Other suggestion:

If you’re interested in general science books or statistically forecasting, please enjoy it. However, if you are the audience who need depth in measuring and making data-driven decisions, you might not appreciate this book as much. I would suggest to read “How To Measure Anything” by Douglas W. Hubbard.