









以比特幣來說,作者Burton Gordon Malkiel漫步華爾街英文版最新第12版中提到比特幣符合第1項交易的媒介條件,但他認為比特幣的價值每天容易產生極大的波動,讓比特幣不適合當成記帳用的單位,也不是一種可靠能儲存價值的虛擬貨幣

Tell a story like a script director, book review of “Storytelling with Data”

Tell a story like a script director. Present a slide like a designer.

The author, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, uses simple examples and explains to every reader about how to communicate to audience using data.

You could implement these concepts by hand. Learning how to use PowerPoint well doesn’t mean you could give an excellent presentation to the audience. You must display your idea like a well-trained designer and tell a story like a Hollywood script director.

So, the author borrows some professional elements from design and script-writing such as affordance, acceptance and storyboarding. In the chapter of “case studies”, the author demonstrates how she would fix the not-so-good graphs by the concepts covering in this book.

Telling an emotional or persuasive story using data is a hard work. If we don’t consciously recognize that this takes time to do well. We run the risk of losing the potential opportunity to drive change and action.

This is the final step the audience will see. We should devote our time to storytelling with data.

Business Thinking商業思維 book review

商業思維 游舒帆Gipi
book link https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010810939

In a flat world, there is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertain and change.

In order to survive in a competitive business world, we need to learn and react constantly. However, we usually tend to think in your old way rather than the other one’s way. This obstinate behavior usually impedes us to step forward. “Communication Thinking” teaches us the concepts of business that whatever your job title is must learn in order to succeed.

It consists of 5 chapters: the essentiality of business, data, operation, strategy and agility. When you look at the whole chapter, this book seems to talk about the big idea. But when you read it, you will find it’s something practical rather than theory.


#businessthinking #data #agile #商業思維