標籤彙整:book review

Nudge your mind, book review of “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness”

Have you ever tried to set a new year resolution such as weight-losing but giving up in the end? Such things usually happen!

For example, on Saturday morning, people might say they prefer exercising to watching TV, but once the afternoon comes, they are on the couch watching Netflix. How can such behavior be understood?

The author of “Nudge”, Nobel behavioral economy award, introduced two factors, temptation and mindlessness choosing, to explain this phenomenon.

The term “temptation” is easier to recognize than to define. We call something tempting if we consume more of it. Mindlessness choosing can be explained in many situations when people put themselves into an “auto-pilot” mode, in which they are not actively paying attention to the task at hand.

We usually think we can decide for ourselves. In fact, many effects around us influence our behavior, and we even don’t know about them. That’s why most people will use some self-controlled strategies to overcome this kind of issues.

By reading “Nudge”, we could understand these effects and use what the writer called “nudge”, a small and subtle pushes, to make decisions between real-world choices and then improve our life.

While some of the anecdotes are funny, many of the writer’s proposals contain the America social and economic issues that will take a while to comprehend for a reader of a non-American.

Until you are fascinated by these scenarios the author is addressing, I would suggest others read related books that explore in a much more engaging way.

Business Thinking商業思維 book review

商業思維 游舒帆Gipi
book link https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010810939

In a flat world, there is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertain and change.

In order to survive in a competitive business world, we need to learn and react constantly. However, we usually tend to think in your old way rather than the other one’s way. This obstinate behavior usually impedes us to step forward. “Communication Thinking” teaches us the concepts of business that whatever your job title is must learn in order to succeed.

It consists of 5 chapters: the essentiality of business, data, operation, strategy and agility. When you look at the whole chapter, this book seems to talk about the big idea. But when you read it, you will find it’s something practical rather than theory.


#businessthinking #data #agile #商業思維

Booknote of The Inner Game of Tennis


The discoveries of the two selves

Everyone has Two Selves

Self 1 : the teller

Self 2 : the doer

The inner game of tennis involves several skills:

  1. Learning to see what’s happening “nonjudgmentally”– that is to notice what’s  happening rather than merely seeing how well or badly it is happening.
  2. Learning how to trust Self 2 to perform at its best.
  3. Learning how to get the clearest picture of your desired outcome.

Quieting the Self 1:

The judgement produces verbal thinking that results in tightness, tightness interferes with the fluidity needed for quick movement and reaction.

Trust your Self 2:

If we let ourselves lose in touch with our ability to feel our action, by relying too heavily on instructions, we could seriously compromise our access to our natural learning processes and our potential to perform. Instead if we hit the ball relying on the instincts of Self 2, we reinforce the simplest natural way to the optimal shot.

Real Application:

In a dancing class many years ago, I could not step my feet correctly with the rhythm. My teacher told me not to think by your brain, just dance by your body. Then I sudden catch the right rhythm.